Adama (AD) – 5X7 Laminated Altar Card


Adama is an ascended master of great love and wisdom, assisting humanity with ascension. He is the high priest of the Lemurian city of Telos, a physical city of immortals within Mt. Shasta (far northern California). Working within the network of underground cities, he is an ambassador from Earth to other galactic civilizations. Copyright, Glenda Green and Louise Jones.


Adama is an ascended master of great love and wisdom, assisting humanity with ascension. He is the high priest of the Lemurian city of Telos, a physical city of immortals within Mt. Shasta (far northern California). Working within the network of underground cities, he is an ambassador from Earth to other galactic civilizations. Copyright, Glenda Green and Louise Jones.

Additional information

Weight 1 oz
Dimensions 7 × 5 in

5×7 laminated prints, 8×10 prints in a protective sleeve


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