This is truly the book humanity has been waiting for to manifest a major quantum leap in people’s evolution. The concept of this book was first conceived in the Light Realm by the masters of Wisdom over 50 years ago. It contains Pearls of Wisdom and Knowledge that will assist those seeking to attain the Christ consciousness and Ascension to reach their goals.
At the time it was not known who would write and publish it, and we inspired its content to more than one incarnated soul on the planet. We wish to express our deepest gratitude to Aurelia for bringing forth, with our assistance, these Pearls from the depth of her heart and soul for the benefit of enlightenment of humanity. (Master Saint Germain, Lord Lanto and Lord Sananda)
Blessed be those who find this material and diligently apply with constancy and determination, in their own lives, the keys for enlightenment this material contains. Herein is contained all the knowledge needed for every soul evolving here to attain Ascension. (Sanat Kumara)
We have this book in English and Spanish. The Author is Aurelia Louise Jones.
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